Friday, February 10, 2012


“Stick to a task 'til it sticks to you. . .for beginners are many, but finishers few.” – President Monson

I love this. I'm a Mormon and President Monson is the prophet and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm sure he wasn't referring to exercise in this quote, but that's what I'm applying it to. Sticking to a task, until it sticks to me. I went to Pittsburgh yesterday with my little family, and met up with my sister-in-law and her kids. It involved eating out twice. I think I made healthy choices. I got a grilled chicken wrap for lunch that had salsa and black beans in it - no dressing or anything that seemed fatty. For dinner at Chili's I got the Quesadilla Explosion Salad. Gave the quesadilla portion to my little nephew, and had the dressing on the side. I didn't have any chips and salsa except for the few chips lovingly shoved into my mouth by my 2 year old. We also got cheese sticks as an appetizer, and I ate one - minus the fried breading part. So I think I did okay... I had a really bad headache while we were traveling and whenever that happens I tend to munch and munch to distract myself. So I ate quite a few handfuls of almonds, and probably one too many whole wheat Ritz crackers. Today I need a battle plan - Weight Loss Shake for breakfast. An apple and TBS of peanut butter for morning snack. Chicken salad for lunch. Reliv shake for a snack. And then small portion of whatever looks healthy at the ward party tonight. No dessert!!! I need to get past the feeling of needing a dessert. I always feel like I need something sweet to finish a meal. I need to break that habit.

I also realized I don't even know what hungry feels like. I just always eat. I never let myself go long enough to actually feel hunger - like ever. So I'm trying really hard to pay attention to how I'm feeling. I feel like I've been feeling STARVING the past few days.. but I think about it. How am I actually feeling? Am I hungry or just wanting to eat? What does hunger even feel like? If I'm sitting on the computer and all I want to do is look at yummy recipes on Pinterest, does that mean I'm hungry? I'm also paying attention to how food actually tastes. Like taking time to chew. What a concept. I remember when I did weight watchers a few years ago the lady hosting, or teaching or whatever you call it when you lead a Weight Watchers meeting talked about how important it is to chew. She said once she started doing this she realized she didn't like pizza! She had been eating it for 30 years, but then when she took time to actually chew it and think about it - she realized she didn't even like it! That made me laugh then, and makes me laugh more so now. I scarf down my food so often, I don't even feel satisfied after having ate, because I didn't take time to enjoy it. 

And I think I'm going to up my goal. I want to lose 5 lbs a week.  So that would be 60 lbs in 12 weeks. Oh my that would just be amazing! So that's what I'm shooting for. 

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