Thursday, November 11, 2010

The ultimate test

The ultimate test

If it goes longer than, say a month, I start to get an itch. It starts to consume my thoughts. I begin to dream about it. Salivating at random intervals throughout the day....

Okay I'm exaggerating a bit. But seriously...

I need to bake some chocolate chip cookies.

I don't know why baking chocolate chip cookies is one of my all time favorite things to do. However, every single time I make them I am sure eat the equivalent of at least 4 cookies in dough alone. Then of course I have to eat one that came straight from the oven. Then I burn my tongue and don't really enjoy it... so I wait a few minutes until they're slightly cooler and have another one that I can actually chew and enjoy without scalding myself. And then when they're completely cool, I have to of course try another one to make sure they still taste good when they're cold. And then every time I walk into the kitchen, if they are not securely wrapped up, I compulsively take another one.

I am going to attempt to bake chocolate chip cookies today. As a test. To see if I've really changed. If I can make an entire batch without stuffing myself full of dough... it really will be a miracle. LOL

Anyway, as I type this I realize how incredibly ridiculous it is. And maybe I won't. Since it will be 60 degrees here today. I need to be outside enjoying every minute of it with my kids. I know the freezing temps are just around the corner. And it's always better to bake when it's cold. Either way I will let you know when I do. And how it goes.

Oh and by the way, also couldn't keep myself from the scale at Jazzercise yesterday.. 2-2-7! Yaaaayyy for it not taking another month to lose that pound from NJ.

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