Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Checking In

So YESTERDAY I promised you all that I would take my vitamins twice a day the way I am supposed to.

And I only took it once.

Which IS one more than before my challenge.

And I started today off right and took it as soon as I woke up. And I WILL take it again.

Also, yesterday I did awesome about not eating anything with more than 12 grams of sugar per serving. For breakfast I had a bowl of multigrain cheerio's with skim milk. For lunch I had a hearty whole grain english muffin with a slice of american cheese. I had a snack of a Real Fruit Ice Pop, sugar free. Then for dinner I had 2 slices of pizza. I probably should have stopped at one. Then I had to drive the entire 30 minute drive home with the left over pizza on my lap. And I swear it was just begging me to open the box, and take just one more bite. I kept telling Aaron, "I am stronger than this pizza. I am stronger than this pizza." It really shouldn't be that hard, right? I mean to not eat something delicious when you're not even hungry? And it wasn't even THAT delicious. But I did it! It's the small things I need to celebrate. (Besides I had the left over slice for breakfast this morning...)

I also drank a decent amount of water. I didn't really keep track, but whenever I thought of it I filled up at 12oz glass with water and drank it.

And I didn't eat past 7pm. Okay that's a lie. I took my reliv at like 9:00. And it left a nasty taste in my mouth so what choice did I have but to eat 2, or maaaybe 3 teeenie tiny bites of ice cream? But that was it!

Today is National Face Your Fears Day. What are you afraid of? I've pretty much faced my worst fears. The dentist. Escalators. Natural Childbirth. Short of searching out a rapist, I think I've faced my fears, and hopefully that's not one I'll ever face. But this weight loss thing is kind of like facing fears right? It's kind of scary to change habits. To stop doing what I've always done.

Anyway later today I am going to my OB to get my IUD out. I'll let ya'll know if this thing weighs 30lbs or not. ;)


  1. Baby steps! Keep up the great work!

  2. If it weighs 30 lbs, then I am going to go camp out at my ob/gyn's tomorrow! Seriously though, I hope it goes well for you and that you start feeling better. I am not a morning person but I got up at 5 am yesterday to go to the gym. I was so proud of myself. My goal is to work out three days at the gym and 2 to 3 days at home every week. Once I get that underway I'll concentrate on the eating. Facing your fears is good, but I can't face it all at once! Thanks for the blog, Lauren, I'm cheering you on!

  3. Awesome Heather! Waking up at 5am is HARD! I have to admit, I'm going to gym at 4:30 today because we had a rough night here last night and sleep won out this morning. Did you start your own blog? I'd love to follow it if you did. Way to go! This whole encouraging each other thing is fun! :)
