Friday, October 8, 2010

My Fat Habits

Okay so I thought it'd be good to write about why I'm fat. Why am I fat? (Fat's an ugly word. Almost anytime someone uses it, it's almost always followed by, 'you're not fat!' And maybe I'm not "fat" according to some definitions, but according to the BMI thing I am OBESE. That's an even uglier word if ya ask me...) Back to the topic here. I have some bad habits. I want to recognize them, and destroy them.

For starters, I am a stress eater. HUGE stress eater. If I'm even feeling slightly anxious I am looking for something to put in my mouth. Specifically something sweet.

I also can not walk past food and leave it alone. I will pick at it and eat it. I am still the little kid with my finger in the frosting of the cake. Sometimes the food doesn't even have to be visible. I still find it hard to walk through my mother's kitchen without pulling something from the cupboard.

Along these same lines I always finish everything on my plate. I try to leave a few bites, since that's advice I've been given. And it's not like I have a problem with waste. I have a problem with never feeling full. I can honestly out eat almost everyone I know. I literally have to force myself to stop eating. The only time I ever feel full is when I'm pregnant. Otherwise, I'm like a bottomless pit.

Okay healthy things I do naturally, or sometimes force myself to do. I always take the stairs. I park far away. I play with my kids. I drink a lot of water. I never (very rarely) drink soda. It's a rare treat to get a candy bar or anything like that. We eat a lot of lean meats, whole wheat, fruits, and vegetables. By all that I SHOULD be skinny, right??? Guess I have to kick those fat habits.

Also, I bake like the BEST chocolate chip cookies ever. When I make them, I lose all self control, am grateful for my bottomless stomach and I devour a dozen the first day I make them. So yeahh taking a little break from making those for a while. But every once and a while... I just have to make them. When all the forces in the world align and I can hear the chocolate chips beckoning me from their drawer. I hear it when I see a whole stick of butter still perfectly wrapped in it's paper. When I come across a brand new bag of soft brown sugar. When I pull out the gallon of milk and they have a flippin' ad for cookies on the back! It's all a conspiracy to make me fat, I know it.


  1. i flipping love you for doing this. since i saw you, i have gained more than a considerable amount so i, too, am on this journey. thanks for writing down your thoughts and takin me with you. i do the same small habit things like taking the stairs and parking far away, but i guess it's time to kick it into high gear.

    i also hate when people say "you're not fat!" it's my biggest pest peeve, because while i know i don't seem extra huge, i'm bigger than i've ever been without having a child inside me and that bothers me. so i only discuss my size with my husband and he knows exactly what to say and how to encourage me. he compliments me on the changes in my body (like bigger boobs and a bigger butt) but also encourages me to continue to try to fit in the clothes i already have so i don't have to spend more money if we don't need to.

    so thanks for this blog. you make me feel like it's ok to talk about my weight gain when no one has seen me so no one really knows about it. :)

    also, i thought I had the best chocolate chip cookie recipe in the world. email me yours and i'll email you mine and we can compare; we only have to eat like 1 or 2! :)

  2. You are an AMAZING baker Lauren! I do remember that. I love to bake too. I think the secret is to find healthier recipes. You can find things that are healthy AND yummy, you know!
